I'm now just one day away from leaving for Papua New Guinea. I feel like I'm pretty close to being ready in terms of the course. The bigger push is to finish up things that need to be done here before I leave. But I think I'll get some sleep and be ready to leave tomorrow!
Here are some details for my travel:
* I leave on Thursday (7/29) at 5:30pm from Grand Rapids, and arrive in Goroka, PNG on Saturday (7/31) at 4:40pm. (Goroka is 14 hours ahead of Michigan time.)
* I leave Goroka on Sunday (8/15) and spend 2 nights in Sydney, Austrailia, arriving back in Grand Rapids at 9:45pm on Tuesday (8/17).
I am very thankful that people's contributions for this trip are sufficient to cover my expenses as well as help students with expenses and even provide them with Bibles to take back to their churches! Thank you! My hope has been that the class would have significant practical value for my students, not just a way to get credit. I'm so thankful that you have helped me down this road already!
Would you pray...
* For wisdom as I finalize my preparations for the class and begin this coming Monday morning!
* For strength and perseverance in taking care of responsibilities here that need to be finished before doing to PNG.
* For my family as they continue with the adventures of life here in Michigan while I'm gone.
Thank you! -- John
Hi John! We'll be praying for the long journey, your time there, the students, and the family back home. Can't wait to hear about your trip!